Top 10 Baby Name from 1900 to 1999

There are often “top lists” of baby names – top ten names of 2014, the most popular names of the decade – and so on. Readers find these lists endlessly fascinating, often using such these lists to help them choose the name for their own children. But now comes the mother of all names lists: The Top 100 Baby Names Of The Last Century. For parents who want to know what the really enduring names are, at least overseas in the United States, this is the list to beat all lists. This definitive set of data spans the years from 1900 to 1999. This “best of the century” list is based on Social Security Card applications for births in the United States, ranking the top 50 boys’ names and the top 50 girls’ names for the entire 20th century.

There are a few surprises: Donald in the No.13 all time spot; Dorothy in the No.9 spot for girls, followed by Betty at No.10, to name a few. It may surprise people to see Patricia at the No.2 all-time girl’s spot. There are some interesting trends revealed by the data, such as the top 10 boys’ names accounting for nearly 35 million names over the century, while the top 10 girls’ account for only about 15 million names, demonstrating the huge variety of girls’ names versus boys’ names, going back to 1900. Just as they do today, Biblical names make a strong showing on the list. On the boy’s side, no fewer than six biblical names appear in the all-time top ten; on the girl’s side, two names have biblical roots. This discrepancy between boys’ and girls’ biblical names, with boys’ always being more popular, holds true today. Given the greater change over time of girls’ names, it is not surprising to see that some superstars of the 20th Century, such as Linda, which ranks No.3 in the century, has fallen – all the way to No.416 by 2005. Poor Betty, No.10 in the 20th Century, has fared even worse – the name has not ranked in the top 1000 since appearing on the list at No.918 in 1996.

What names are still hot? Amazingly, five boys’ names from the top dozen of the 20th Century – Michael, Daniel, Christopher, Joseph and William – are still in the top twelve today. For girls, only Elizabeth (No.12 in 2005) shows that kind of endurance. Parents have been very traditional in picking boys’ names but ready to take a chance on something new when it comes to girls’ names.

So what were the Top Baby Names of 20th Century? Here are the top ten for each gender:


1 James

2 John

3 Robert

4 Michael

5 William

6 David

7 Richard

8 Joseph

9 Charles

10 Thomas


1 Mary

2 Patricia

3 Linda

4 Barbara

5 Jennifer

6 Elizabeth

7 Margaret

8 Susan

9 Dorothy

10 Betty

How are the superstars of the 20th Century, James and Mary, performing today? True to form, the boy’s name, James, is still not far from the top. It ranked No.17 in 2005. Mary, while not slumping like some of her sister names, is not doing so well. In 2005, she was No.73. More ominous for Mary, she has been trending downward since she last held the # 1 spot back in 1961. But even if Mary falls out of the top 100, it may only be temporary. Consider the name Emily, the hottest girl’s name for the last ten years. 45 years ago, when Mary was # 1, Emily was No.265. Names, like most fashions, ebb and flow with the tastes of the day, such as choosing non-gender specific names or naming a baby after your favourite actor/actress.


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