Big foil numbers and letters on trend

Giant foil numbers and letters are right on trend at the moment. We have received lots of sales for milestone birthdays such as 1st, 16th, 18th, 21st, 30th and 40th birthdays. Other orders include engagements and weddings featuring LOVE and XO (hugs and kisses). We can order in & (ampersand) and # (hashtag). Silver is most popular. Numbers come in lots of colours including silver, gold, lack, blue, pink and even zebra print. Letters come in silver and gold only. We only stock number and major makers of foil balloons including Qualatex, Anagram and Megaloon. Non-branded foil balloons are prone to helium leak, distorted shapes and reduced lustre. Giant letter and number foils range from 86cm to 100cm (1m). The reason people love giant number and foil balloons is they are imposed, add wow factor and look great.
Giant helium filled number foil balloons are $25, with a balloon weight and ribbon. Giant helium filled letter balloons are $30 each (silver and gold only). Paper and foil tail tassels are $2 each. Extra charges for delivery.


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